Draft genome sequences of Arthrobacter sp. AZCC_0090 and Mycobacterium sp. AZCC_0083 isolated from oligotrophic subsurface forest soil in the Santa Catalina mountains of Southern Arizona
Minimum Information about an Uncultivated Virus Genome (MIUViG)
Complete genome sequence of Nakamurella multipartita type strain (Y-104T)
Integrating microarray analysis and the soybean genome to understand the soybeans iron deficiency response
Genome-guided analysis allows the identification of novel physiological traits in Trichococcus species
Faunimonas pinastri gen. nov., sp. nov., an endophyte from a pine tree of the family Pleomorphomonadaceae, class Alphaproteobacteria
Complete genome sequence of the moderate thermophile Anaerobaculum mobile type strain (NGAT)
Draft Nuclear Genome Sequence of the Halophilic and Beta-Carotene-Accumulating Green Alga Dunaliella salina Strain CCAP19/18
Draft genome sequence of Pseudomonas extremaustralis strain USBA-GBX 515 isolated from Superparamo soil samples in Colombian Andes
The Complete Genome Sequence of Thermoproteus tenax: A Physiologically Versatile Member of the Crenarchaeota
Gradual polyploid genome evolution revealed by pan-genomic analysis of Brachypodium hybridum and its diploid progenitors
Erratum to: Complete genome sequence of Pirellula staleyi type strain (ATCC 27377T)