Complete genome sequence of “Thioalkalivibrio sulfidophilus” HL-EbGr7
Complete genome sequence of Arthrobacter sp. strain FB24
Genome Sequence and Analysis of the Flavinogenic Yeast Candida membranifaciens IST 626
Genome organization of the vg1 and nodal3 gene clusters in the allotetraploid frog Xenopus laevis
High quality draft genome sequence of the slightly halophilic bacterium Halomonas zhanjiangensis type strain JSM 078169T (DSM 21076T) from a sea urchin in southern China
Revisiting a ‘simple’ fungal metabolic pathway reveals redundancy, complexity and diversity
High-Throughput Functional Genomics for Energy Production
Comparative Transcriptome Analysis of Methylibium petroleiphilum PM1 Exposed to the Fuel Oxygenates Methyl tert-Butyl Ether and Ethanol▿ †
Halophytes and heavy metals: A multi‐omics approach to understand the role of gene and genome duplication in the abiotic stress tolerance of Cakile maritima
Complete genome sequence of Sulfurospirillum deleyianum type strain (5175T)
Genome Analysis of Planctomycetes Inhabiting Blades of the Red Alga Porphyra umbilicalis
High-quality-draft genome sequence of the fermenting bacterium Anaerobium acetethylicum type strain GluBS11T (DSM 29698)