Exploring the Structural, Biochemical, and Functional Diversity of Glycoside Hydrolase Family 12 from Penicillium subrubescens
Large-scale genome sequencing of mycorrhizal fungi provides insights into the early evolution of symbiotic traits
Common Ancestry and Novel Genetic Traits of Francisella novicida-Like Isolates from North America and Australia as Revealed by Comparative Genomic Analyses
Ecophysiology of Freshwater Verrucomicrobia Inferred from Metagenome-Assembled Genomes
Coral life history and symbiosis: Functional genomic resources for two reef building Caribbean corals, Acropora palmata and Montastraea faveolata
Proteomics for Validation of Automated Gene Model Predictions
A 34K SNP genotyping array for Populus trichocarpa: Design, application to the study of natural populations and transferability to other Populus species
New Family of Tungstate-Responsive Transcriptional Regulators in Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria
The INSIG2 rs7566605 genetic variant does not play a major role in obesity in a sample of 24,722 individuals from four cohorts
Convergent reductive evolution and host adaptation in Mycoavidus bacterial endosymbionts of Mortierellaceae fungi
Abundant Atribacteria in deep marine sediment from the Adélie Basin, Antarctica
MAGI: A Method for Metabolite Annotation and Gene Integration