Decomposing a San Francisco estuary microbiome using long-read metagenomics reveals species- and strain-level dominance from picoeukaryotes to viruses
Genome analyses reveal population structure and a purple stigma color gene candidate in finger millet
Improving the coverage of the cyanobacterial phylum using diversity-driven genome sequencing
Genome Data Provides High Support for Generic Boundaries in Burkholderia Sensu Lato
Reconstructing each cell's genome within complex microbial communities—dream or reality?
Genome analysis and description of Tunturibacter gen. nov. expands the diversity of Terriglobia in tundra soils
Expansion of Signal Transduction Pathways in Fungi by Extensive Genome Duplication
Genome sequencing provides insight into the reproductive biology, nutritional mode and ploidy of the fern pathogen Mixia osmundae
A scoutRNA Is Required for Some Type V CRISPR-Cas Systems
Structure determination of the HgcAB complex using metagenome sequence data: insights into microbial mercury methylation
Draft Genome of Janthinobacterium sp. RA13 Isolated from Lake Washington Sediment
Functional Gene Losses Occur with Minimal Size Reduction in the Plastid Genome of the Parasitic Liverwort Aneura mirabilis