A pipeline for targeted metagenomics of environmental bacteria
Comparative Genomics of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Natural Isolates for Bioenergy Production
Genome sequence of the Trifolium rueppellianum - nodulating Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii strain WSM2012
The Porcelain Crab Transcriptome and PCAD, the Porcelain Crab Microarray and Sequence Database
Prepublication data sharing
A New Method to Correct for Habitat Filtering in Microbial Correlation Networks
Engineering promiscuity of chloramphenicol acetyltransferase for microbial designer ester biosynthesis
Complete genome sequence of the plant-associated Serratia plymuthica strain AS13
The complete genome sequence of Moorella thermoacetica (f. Clostridium thermoaceticum)
Pleiotropic and Epistatic Network-Based Discovery: Integrated Networks for Target Gene Discovery
BGC Atlas: a web resource for exploring the global chemical diversity encoded in bacterial genomes
Complete genome sequence of Rhodothermus marinus type strain (R-10T)