Metagenomic analysis of microbial consortium from natural crude oil that seeps into the marine ecosystem offshore Southern California
JGI Snapshot
The Reference Genome of the Halophytic Plant Eutrema salsugineum
Biosynthesis of Haloterpenoids in Red Algae via Microbial-like Type I Terpene Synthases
Seasonal fluctuations in ionic concentrations drive microbial succession in a hypersaline lake community
A Practical Approach to Using the Genomic Standards Consortium MIxS Reporting Standard for Comparative Genomics and Metagenomics
Microbial colonization and persistence in deep fractured shales is guided by metabolic exchanges and viral predation
Low-abundance populations distinguish microbiome performance in plant cell wall deconstruction
High-resolution metagenomics targets specific functional types in complex microbial communities
Comparative genomics of the white-rot fungi, Phanerochaete carnosa and P. chrysosporium, to elucidate the genetic basis of the distinct wood types they colonize
The Genomes of the Fungal Plant Pathogens Cladosporium fulvum and Dothistroma septosporum Reveal Adaptation to Different Hosts and Lifestyles But Also Signatures of Common Ancestry
Energy efficiency and biological interactions define the core microbiome of deep oligotrophic groundwater