Biochemical characterization of Fsa16295Glu from “Fervidibacter sacchari,” the first hyperthermophilic GH50 with β-1,3-endoglucanase activity and founding member of the subfamily GH50_3
Effect of oxygen minimum zone formation on communities of marine protists
Diverse fates of ancient horizontal gene transfers in extremophilic red algae
Complete Genome Sequence of Methanosphaerula palustris E1-9CT, a Hydrogenotrophic Methanogen Isolated from a Minerotrophic Fen Peatland
Association mapping, transcriptomics, and transient expression identify candidate genes mediating plant–pathogen interactions in a tree
A comparative genomics study of 23 Aspergillus species from section Flavi
Targeted Switchgrass BAC Library Screening and Sequence Analysis Identifies Predicted Biomass and Stress Response-Related Genes
Genome sequence of Frateuria aurantia type strain (Kondô 67T), a xanthomonade isolated from Lilium auratium Lindl.
Targeted Discovery of Glycoside Hydrolases from a Switchgrass-Adapted Compost Community
High-quality RNA extraction and the regulation of genes encoding cellulosomes are correlated with growth stage in anaerobic fungi
Metagenomic analysis of intertidal hypersaline microbial mats from Elkhorn Slough, California, grown with and without molybdate
Updated Virophage Taxonomy and Distinction from Polinton-like Viruses