Zng1 is a GTP-dependent zinc transferase needed for activation of methionine aminopeptidase
Brachypodium distachyon and Setaria viridis: Model Genetic Systems for the Grasses.
Single-cell enabled comparative genomics of a deep ocean SAR11 bathytype
Habitat-Lite: A GSC Case Study Based on Free Text Terms for Environmental Metadata
Life strategies for Aminicenantia in subseafloor oceanic crust
Genomic Signatures for Sedimentary Microbial Utilization of Phytoplankton Detritus in a Fast-Flowing Estuary
Engineering Pseudomonas putida for efficient aromatic conversion to bioproduct using high throughput screening in a bioreactor
Impact of single-cell genomics and metagenomics on the emerging view of extremophile “microbial dark matter”
Rational Design of Mechanism-Based Inhibitors and Activity-Based Probes for the Identification of Retaining α‑l‑Arabinofuranosidases
Providing biological context for GWAS results using eQTL regulatory and co‐expression networks in Populus
Diverse events have transferred genes for edible seaweed digestion from marine to human gut bacteria
A 34K SNP genotyping array for Populus trichocarpa: Design, application to the study of natural populations and transferability to other Populus species