Genome-wide selective sweeps and gene-specific sweeps in natural bacterial populations
Systematics and plastid genome evolution of the cryptically photosynthetic parasitic plant genus Cuscuta(Convolvulaceae)
The Genome Sequence of Methanohalophilus mahii SLPT Reveals Differences in the Energy Metabolism among Members of the Methanosarcinaceae Inhabiting Freshwater and Saline Environments
Construction of high resolution genetic linkage maps to improve the soybean genome sequence assembly Glyma1.01
Genome-resolved correlation mapping links microbial community structure to metabolic interactions driving methane production from wastewater
Complete genome sequence of Halorhodospira halophila SL1
Draft Genome Sequence of Enterobacter cloacae Strain JD6301
High-quality permanent draft genome sequence of Bradyrhizobium sp. Tv2a.2, a microsymbiont of Tachigali versicolor discovered in Barro Colorado Island of Panama
Draft Genome Sequences of Gammaproteobacterial Methanotrophs Isolated from Marine Ecosystems
Development of a Freeze-Dried CRISPR-Cas12 Sensor for Detecting Wolbachia in the Secondary Science Classroom
Genome resequencing reveals multiscale geographic structure and extensive linkage disequilibrium in the forest tree Populus trichocarpa
Draft genome sequence of the Tremellomycetes yeast Papiliotrema laurentii 5307AH, isolated from aircraft