A Thermophilic Ionic Liquid-Tolerant Cellulase Cocktail for the Production of Cellulosic Biofuels
A bacterial toolkit for plants
GenomeVISTA—an integrated software package for whole-genome alignment and visualization
Information theory and machine learning illuminate large‐scale metabolomic responses of Brachypodium distachyon to environmental change
The genome of the intracellular bacterium of the coastal bivalve, Solemya velum: a blueprint for thriving in and out of symbiosis
ARBitrator: a software pipeline for on-demand retrieval of auto-curated nifH sequences from GenBank
Genomes of 13 domesticated and wild rice relatives highlight genetic conservation, turnover and innovation across the genus Oryza
Major impacts of widespread structural variation on sorghum.
Genome sequencing of the Trichoderma reesei QM9136 mutant identifies a truncation of the transcriptional regulator XYR1 as the cause for its cellulase-negative phenotype
Empirical Comparison of Visualization Tools for Larger-Scale Network Analysis
Tissue Cultivation, Preparation, and Extraction of High Molecular Weight DNA for Single-Molecule Genome Sequencing of Plant-Associated Fungi
Getting back to the grass roots: harnessing specialized metabolites for improved crop stress resilience