Genome sequence of the plant growth promoting endophytic yeast Rhodotorula graminis WP1
Improved-high-quality draft genome sequence of Rhodococcus sp. JG-3, a eurypsychrophilic Actinobacteria from Antarctic Dry Valley permafrost
Examining the cause of high inbreeding depression: analysis of whole‐genome sequence data in 28 selfed progeny of Eucalyptus grandis
A complete toolset for the study of Ustilago bromivora and Brachypodium sp. as a fungal-temperate grass pathosystem
Complete genome sequence of Desulfurococcus mucosus type strain (O7/1T)
Building a custom high-throughput platform at the Joint Genome Institute for DNA construct design and assembly-present and future challenges.
Complete Genome Sequence of Methanolinea tarda NOBI-1T, a Hydrogenotrophic Methanogen Isolated from Methanogenic Digester Sludge
Group II Introns Break New Boundaries: Presence in a Bilaterian's Genome
Genome and proteome analyses show the gaseous alkane degrader Desulfosarcina sp. strain BuS5 as an extreme metabolic specialist
Draft genome of Rosenbergiella nectarea strain 8N4T provides insights into the potential role of this species in its plant host
The genome sequence of Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis reveals adaptations for milk utilization within the infant microbiome
Permanent draft genome sequence of Dethiosulfovibrio peptidovorans type strain (SEBR 4207T)