Tanja Woyke Awarded van Niel International Prize for Studies in Bacterial Systematics
Gene Expression: From On-Off Switch to Dial
Fungal Friends or Foes in Plant Roots
Ancient Algae Reveal Secrets of Plant Evolution
An Enzyme Family that Helped Shape Nitrogen Metabolism on Our Planet
Gut Fungi: Unexpected Source of Novel Chemicals
iPHoP: A Matchmaker for Phages and their Hosts
For the Tiniest Archaea, A Genomic Switch of Friend or Foe
JGI@25: Cow Rumen and the Early Days of Metagenomics
Engagement Webinar: How to Successfully Apply for a CSP Proposal
Novel assembly strategy cracks open the mysteries of walnut genome evolution
Methanogenesis and Salt Tolerance Genes of a Novel Halophilic Methanosarcinaceae Metagenome-Assembled Genome from a Former Solar Saltern