A robust gene-stacking method utilizing yeast assembly for plant synthetic biology
Best Practices for Successfully Writing and Publishing a Genome Announcement in Microbiology Resource Announcements
Improved genome assembly and evidence-based global gene model set for the chordate Ciona intestinalis: new insight into intron and operon populations
Gene Context Analysis in the Integrated Microbial Genomes (IMG) Data Management System
Combinatorial library design for improving isobutanol production in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Habitat-Lite: A GSC Case Study Based on Free Text Terms for Environmental Metadata
An optimized ChIP‐Seq framework for profiling histone modifications in Chromochloris zofingiensis
Horizontal Transfer of Entire Genomes via Mitochondrial Fusion in the Angiosperm Amborella
BinaRena: a dedicated interactive platform for human-guided exploration and binning of metagenomes
Multi-chassis engineering for heterologous production of microbial natural products
Rational Design of Mechanism-Based Inhibitors and Activity-Based Probes for the Identification of Retaining α‑l‑Arabinofuranosidases
Discordant population structure among rhizobium divided genomes and their legume hosts