Remarkably coherent population structure for a dominant Antarctic Chlorobium species
Differential effects of press vs. pulse seawater intrusion on microbial communities of a tidal freshwater marsh
Viral and metabolic controls on high rates of microbial sulfur and carbon cycling in wetland ecosystems
FOAM (Functional Ontology Assignments for Metagenomes): a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) database with environmental focus
Diversity in the soil virosphere: to infinity and beyond?
Metagenomes from Arctic Soil Microbial Communities from the Barrow Environmental Observatory, Utqiaġvik, AK, USA
Assessment of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill impact on Gulf coast microbial communities
Feature selection and causal analysis for microbiome studies in the presence of confounding using standardization
Roadmap for Accelerated Domestication of an Emerging Perennial Grain Crop
Microbial responses to long-term warming differ across soil microenvironments
Leucoagaricus gongylophorus Produces Diverse Enzymes for the Degradation of Recalcitrant Plant Polymers in Leaf-Cutter Ant Fungus Gardens
A vast collection of microbial genes that are toxic to bacteria