Complete plastid genome sequences suggest strong selection for retention of photosynthetic genes in the parasitic plant genus Cuscuta
Complete genome sequence of Nitrosomonas sp. Is79, an ammonia oxidizing bacterium adapted to low ammonium concentrations
Chromosome assembled and annotated genome sequence of Aspergillus flavus NRRL 3357
Microbial life under ice: Metagenome diversity and in situ activity of Verrucomicrobia in seasonally ice‐covered Lakes
High-quality-draft genome sequence of the fermenting bacterium Anaerobium acetethylicum type strain GluBS11T (DSM 29698)
Genome Sequences of Industrially Relevant Saccharomyces cerevisiae Strain M3707, Isolated from a Sample of Distillers Yeast and Four Haploid Derivatives
Complete genome sequence of Kangiella koreensis type strain (SW-125T)
Erratum to: Complete genome sequence of Atopobium parvulum type strain (IPP 1246T)
Complete genome sequence of Dehalogenimonas lykanthroporepellens type strain (BL-DC-9T) and comparison to “Dehalococcoides” strains
A sorghum genome-wide association study (GWAS) identifies a WRKY transcription factor as a candidate gene underlying sugarcane aphid (Melanaphis sacchari) resistance
Novel reductive dehalogenases from the marine sponge associated bacterium Desulfoluna spongiiphila
Towards a genome-based virus taxonomy