Analysis of 4,664 high-quality sequence-finished poplar full-length cDNA clones and their utility for the discovery of genes responding to insect feeding
The octopus genome and the evolution of cephalopod neural and morphological novelties
The western redcedar genome reveals low genetic diversity in a self-compatible conifer
The Amphimedon queenslandica genome and the evolution of animal complexity
IMG ER: a system for microbial genome annotation expert review and curation
Genome sequences of key bacterial symbionts of entomopathogenic nematodes: Xenorhabdus cabanillasii DSM17905, Xenorhabdus ehlersii DSM16337, Xenorhabdus japonica DSM16522, Xenorhabdus koppenhoeferii DSM18168, and Xenorhabdus mauleonii DSM17908
The Reference Genome of the Halophytic Plant Eutrema salsugineum
Draft genome sequences of Butyrivibrio hungatei DSM 14810 (JK 615T) and Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens DSM 3071 (D1T).
Sequencing of 15 622 gene‐bearing BACs clarifies the gene‐dense regions of the barley genome
Analysis of the Neurotoxin Complex Genes in Clostridium botulinum A1-A4 and B1 Strains: BoNT/A3, /Ba4 and /B1 Clusters Are Located within Plasmids
Expansion of Signal Transduction Pathways in Fungi by Extensive Genome Duplication
Ectomycorrhizal ecology is imprinted in the genome of the dominant symbiotic fungus Cenococcum geophilum