The genome of Polaromonas naphthalenivorans strain CJ2, isolated from coal tar‐contaminated sediment, reveals physiological and metabolic versatility and evolution through extensive horizontal gene transfer
Arachnid relationships based on mitochondrial genomes: Asymmetric nucleotide and amino acid bias affects phylogenetic analyses
How Much Do rRNA Gene Surveys Underestimate Extant Bacterial Diversity?
IMG/M: a data management and analysis system for metagenomes
Phyllosticta paracitricarpa is synonymous with the EU quarantine fungus P. citricarpa based on phylogenomic analyses
Few-Shot Learning Enables Population-Scale Analysis of Leaf Traits in Populus trichocarpa
Socotra Island the forgotten fragment of Gondwana: Unmasking chameleon lizard history with complete mitochondrial genomic data
IMG-ABC: A Knowledge Base To Fuel Discovery of Biosynthetic Gene Clusters and Novel Secondary Metabolites
Restoration of biofuel production levels and increased tolerance under ionic liquid stress is enabled by a mutation in the essential Escherichia coli gene cydC
The ancient Salicoid genome duplication event: A platform for reconstruction of de Novo gene evolution in Populus trichocarpa
Genomes OnLine Database (GOLD) v.6: data updates and feature enhancements
Predicting the chemical space of fungal polyketides by phylogeny-based bioinformatics analysis of polyketide synthase-nonribosomal peptide synthetase and its modification enzymes