Compendium of Metabolomic and Genomic Datasets for Cyanobacteria: Mined the Gap
Development of a clostridia-based cell-free system for prototyping genetic parts and metabolic pathways
Extensive sampling of basidiomycete genomes demonstrates inadequacy of the white-rot/brown-rot paradigm for wood decay fungi
Glacier ice archives nearly 15,000-year-old microbes and phages
Bioboxes: standardised containers for interchangeable bioinformatics software
MicrobesOnline: an integrated portal for comparative and functional genomics
Evidence for H2 consumption by uncultured Desulfobacterales in coastal sediments
Information theory and machine learning illuminate large‐scale metabolomic responses of Brachypodium distachyon to environmental change
Fine-scale evaluation of two standard 16S rRNA gene amplicon primer pairs for analysis of total prokaryotes and archaeal nitrifiers in differently managed soils
Sparse panicle1 is required for inflorescence development in Setaria viridis and maize
End-to-end automated microfluidic platform for synthetic biology: from design to functional analysis
A whole-genome shotgun approach for assembling and anchoring the hexaploid bread wheat genome