Genomic evidence for the degradation of terrestrial organic matter by pelagic Arctic Ocean Chloroflexi bacteria
Visualizing in situ translational activity for identifying and sorting slow-growing archaeal−bacterial consortia
A standardized quantitative analysis strategy for stable isotope probing metagenomics
Validation of two ribosomal RNA removal methods for microbial metatranscriptomics
Transcriptomic analysis highlights epigenetic and transcriptional regulation during zygotic embryo development of Pinus pinaster
Evolution of copper arsenate resistance for enhanced enargite bioleaching using the extreme thermoacidophile Metallosphaera sedula
Evidence for H2 consumption by uncultured Desulfobacterales in coastal sediments
Compendium of Metabolomic and Genomic Datasets for Cyanobacteria: Mined the Gap
A mosaic monoploid reference sequence for the highly complex genome of sugarcane
Feature selection and causal analysis for microbiome studies in the presence of confounding using standardization
A whole-genome shotgun approach for assembling and anchoring the hexaploid bread wheat genome
QTL × environment interactions underlie adaptive divergence in switchgrass across a large latitudinal gradient