High phenotypic and genotypic plasticity among strains of the mushroom-forming fungus Schizophyllum commune
Cold adaptive traits revealed by comparative genomic analysis of the eurypsychrophile Rhodococcus sp. JG3 isolated from high elevation McMurdo Dry Valley permafrost, Antarctica
Comprehensive genomic and transcriptomic analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon degradation by a mycoremediation fungus, Dentipellis sp. KUC8613
Single-Cell Genomics Reveals Hundreds of Coexisting Subpopulations in Wild Prochlorococcus
Salicylic acid activates poplar defense against the biotrophic rust fungus Melampsora larici‐populina via increased biosynthesis of catechin and proanthocyanidins
Abscisic acid supports colonization of Eucalyptus grandis roots by the mutualistic ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus microcarpus
Population genomics of a forest fungus reveals high gene flow and climate adaptation signatures
Massive Changes in Genome Architecture Accompany the Transition to Self-Fertility in the Filamentous Fungus Neurospora tetrasperma
The White-Rot Basidiomycete Dichomitus squalens Shows Highly Specific Transcriptional Response to Lignocellulose-Related Aromatic Compounds
Cell by cell: population genetics in the wild
Stepwise recombination suppression around the mating-type locus in an ascomycete fungus with self-fertile spores
The SlZRT1 Gene Encodes a Plasma Membrane-Located ZIP (Zrt-, Irt-Like Protein) Transporter in the Ectomycorrhizal Fungus Suillus luteus