Researching and Solving Real-World Problems with the 2023 JGI-UC Merced Interns
JGI@25: Fueling Investigation into Methane-Making Microbes
Supercharging SIP in the Fungal Hyphosphere
Getting to the Bottom of Fungal Functions Across Earth’s Forests
iPHoP: A Matchmaker for Phages and their Hosts
Tracing the Evolution of Shiitake Mushrooms
Training the Next Generation of Talent
Characterizing Communities: JGI Announces Latest CSP Portfolio
JGI Contributes Eight to 2023 Highly Cited Researchers list
Forming Scientific Connections and Building Community
Reply to: Examining microbe–metabolite correlations by linear methods
A transcriptomic atlas of acute stress response to low pH in multiple Issatchenkia orientalis strains.