A Genome-Wide Survey of Switchgrass Genome Structure and Organization
The Sphagnome Project: enabling ecological and evolutionary insights through a genus‐level sequencing project
A chromosome‐scale reference genome of trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliata) provides insights into disease resistance, cold tolerance and genome evolution in Citrus
The Chlamydomonas Genome Project, version 6: reference assemblies for mating type plus and minus strains reveal extensive structural mutation in the laboratory.
The Sorghum bicolor reference genome: improved assembly, gene annotations, a transcriptome atlas, and signatures of genome organization
A reference genome for common bean and genome-wide analysis of dual domestications
Minimum information about a single amplified genome (MISAG) and a metagenome-assembled genome (MIMAG) of bacteria and archaea
The Chlamydomonas genome project: a decade on
The genome sequence of the psychrophilic archaeon, Methanococcoides burtonii: the role of genome evolution in cold adaptation
Implications of the Plastid Genome Sequence of Typha (Typhaceae, Poales) for Understanding Genome Evolution in Poaceae
The genome portal of the Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute: 2014 updates
Transposable Elements versus the Fungal Genome: Impact on Whole-Genome Architecture and Transcriptional Profiles