Genomics, Exometabolomics, and Metabolic Probing Reveal Conserved Proteolytic Metabolism of Thermoflexus hugenholtzii and Three Candidate Species From China and Japan
PSimScan: Algorithm and Utility for Fast Protein Similarity Search
JGI Plant Gene Atlas: an updateable transcriptome resource to improve functional gene descriptions across the plant kingdom
Effects of timber harvesting on the genetic potential for carbon and nitrogen cycling in five North American forest ecozones
Development of PCR-based markers for the identification and detection of Lophodermella needle cast pathogens on Pinus contorta var. latifolia and P. flexilis
A chromosome-scale genome assembly and dense genetic map for Xenopus tropicalis
Extending the Bacillus cereus group genomics to putative food-borne pathogens of different toxicity
Microbial community analysis of three hydrocarbon reservoir cores provides valuable insights for the assessment of reservoir souring potential
A Genomic Catalog of Stress Response Genes in Anaerobic Fungi for Applications in Bioproduction
Comparative genomics reveals mobile pathogenicity chromosomes in Fusarium
Combining Promiscuous Acyl-CoA Oxidase and Enoyl-CoA Carboxylase/Reductases for Atypical Polyketide Extender Unit Biosynthesis
JBrowse: a dynamic web platform for genome visualization and analysis