Isolation of Histone from Sorghum Leaf Tissue for Top Down Mass Spectrometry Profiling of Potential Epigenetic Markers.
Strategic Integration of Multiple Bioinformatics Resources for System Level Analysis of Biological Networks
The Genomes On Line Database (GOLD) in 2007: status of genomic and metagenomic projects and their associated metadata
High-Resolution Linkage Map and Chromosome-Scale Genome Assembly for Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) from 10 Populations
Pathway discovery and engineering for cleavage of a β-1 lignin-derived biaryl compound
Common Ancestry and Novel Genetic Traits of Francisella novicida-Like Isolates from North America and Australia as Revealed by Comparative Genomic Analyses
Life strategies for Aminicenantia in subseafloor oceanic crust
A call for standardized classification of metagenome projects
Role of diversity-generating retroelements for regulatory pathway tuning in cyanobacteria
Phenotypic and genomic signatures of interspecies cooperation and conflict in naturally occurring isolates of a model plant symbiont
Optimized CRISPR Interference System for Investigating Pseudomonas alloputida Genes Involved in Rhizosphere Microbiome Assembly
p-Nitrophenyl esters provide new insights and applications for the thiolase enzyme OleA