The genome of the xerotolerant mold Wallemia sebi reveals adaptations to osmotic stress and suggests cryptic sexual reproduction
Genome Sequence of Arenibacter algicola Strain TG409, a Hydrocarbon-Degrading Bacterium Associated with Marine Eukaryotic Phytoplankton
The genome of Eucalyptus grandis
Bacterial Genome Annotation
Eight genome sequences of bacterial, environmental isolates from Canada Glacier, Antarctica
High quality draft genome sequences of Pseudomonas fulva DSM 17717T, Pseudomonas parafulva DSM 17004T and Pseudomonas cremoricolorata DSM 17059T type strains
Complete genome sequence of the hyperthermophilic chemolithoautotroph Pyrolobus fumarii type strain (1AT)
Insights into the Evolution of Mitochondrial Genome Size from Complete Sequences of Citrullus lanatus and Cucurbita pepo (Cucurbitaceae)
Genome Sequence of Verrucomicrobium sp. Strain GAS474, a Novel Bacterium Isolated from Soil
Genome Sequence of Polycyclovorans algicola Strain TG408, an Obligate Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon-Degrading Bacterium Associated with Marine Eukaryotic Phytoplankton
Genome of Ochrobactrum anthropi ATCC 49188T, a Versatile Opportunistic Pathogen and Symbiont of Several Eukaryotic Hosts
Draft genome sequence of Marinobacterium rhizophilum CL-YJ9T (DSM 18822T), isolated from the rhizosphere of the coastal tidal-flat plant Suaeda japonica