Tracking of enzymatic biomass deconstruction by fungal secretomes highlights markers of lignocellulose recalcitrance
Cas9-Based Metabolic Engineering of Issatchenkia orientalis for Enhanced Utilization of Cellulosic Hydrolysates
A Pleiotropic Flowering Time QTL Exhibits Gene-by-Environment Interaction for Fitness in a Perennial Grass
Mutant phenotypes for thousands of bacterial genes of unknown function
Systematic Screening of Synthetic Gene-Encoded Enzymes for Synthesis of Modified Glycosides
The ancient Salicoid genome duplication event: A platform for reconstruction of de Novo gene evolution in Populus trichocarpa
Phylogeny and physiology of candidate phylum ‘Atribacteria’ (OP9/JS1) inferred from cultivation-independent genomics
Reductive amination cascades in cell‐free and resting whole cell formats for valorization of lignin deconstruction products
PEATmoss (Physcomitrella Expression Atlas Tool): a unified gene expression atlas for the model plant Physcomitrella patens
The first 10 years of the international coordination network for standards in systems and synthetic biology (COMBINE)
Genomic insights into the Acidobacteria reveal strategies for their success in terrestrial environments
A comparative genomics perspective on the genetic content of the alkaliphilic haloarchaeon Natrialba magadii ATCC 43099T