Characterization of a Planctomycetal Organelle: a Novel Bacterial Microcompartment for the Aerobic Degradation of Plant Saccharides
Horizontal transfer of a pathway for coumarate catabolism unexpectedly inhibits purine nucleotide biosynthesis
DRAM for distilling microbial metabolism to automate the curation of microbiome function
Whole‐genome analysis of the ammonia‐oxidizing bacterium, Nitrosomonas eutropha C91: implications for niche adaptation
Obtaining Comparative Genomic Data with the VISTA Family of Computational Tools
Detection of S83V GyrA mutation in quinolone-resistant Shewanella algae using comparative genomics
Construction and comparison of three reference‐quality genome assemblies for soybean
Fine-scale evaluation of two standard 16S rRNA gene amplicon primer pairs for analysis of total prokaryotes and archaeal nitrifiers in differently managed soils
A renaissance for the pioneering 16S rRNA gene
End-to-end automated microfluidic platform for synthetic biology: from design to functional analysis
Genomics of the origin and evolution of Citrus
Potential for functional divergence in ectomycorrhizal fungal communities across a precipitation gradient