A standardized quantitative analysis strategy for stable isotope probing metagenomics
Evolution of copper arsenate resistance for enhanced enargite bioleaching using the extreme thermoacidophile Metallosphaera sedula
Bioinformatic analysis of the distribution of inorganic carbon transporters and prospective targets for bioengineering to increase Ci uptake by cyanobacteria
Physiology of Highly Radioresistant Escherichia coli After Experimental Evolution for 100 Cycles of Selection
Enhanced nutrient uptake is sufficient to drive emergent cross-feeding between bacteria in a synthetic community
The Impact of Genome Analyses on Our Understanding of Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria*
Feature selection and causal analysis for microbiome studies in the presence of confounding using standardization
Pleiotropic and Epistatic Network-Based Discovery: Integrated Networks for Target Gene Discovery
Complete genome sequence of Enterobacter sp. IIT-BT 08: A potential microbial strain for high rate hydrogen production
Metagenomic analysis of a stable trichloroethene-degrading microbial community
Metatranscriptomic Sequencing of a Cyanobacterial Soil-Surface Consortium with and without a Diverse Underlying Soil Microbiome
Use of Agrobacterium rhizogenes Strain 18r12v and Paromomycin Selection for Transformation of Brachypodium distachyon and Brachypodium sylvaticum