Genome Sequence of the Arctic Methanotroph Methylobacter tundripaludum SV96
Improved Draft Genome Sequence of Microbacterium sp. Strain LKL04, a Bacterial Endophyte Associated with Switchgrass Plants
Complete genome sequence of Brachybacterium faecium type strain (Schefferle 6–10T)
Tissue Cultivation, Preparation, and Extraction of High Molecular Weight DNA for Single-Molecule Genome Sequencing of Plant-Associated Fungi
ClaMS: A Classifier for Metagenomic Sequences
Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria That Produce Exopolymers Thrive in the Calcifying Zone of a Hypersaline Cyanobacterial Mat
A structural and kinetic survey of GH5_4 endoglucanases reveals determinants of broad substrate specificity and opportunities for biomass hydrolysis
Complete genome sequence of Oceanithermus profundus type strain (506T)
Complete Genome Sequence of Micromonospora Strain L5, a Potential Plant-Growth-Regulating Actinomycete, Originally Isolated from Casuarina equisetifolia Root Nodules
CRAGE enables rapid activation of biosynthetic gene clusters in undomesticated bacteria
Evolution of copper arsenate resistance for enhanced enargite bioleaching using the extreme thermoacidophile Metallosphaera sedula
The Genome Sequence of Methanohalophilus mahii SLPT Reveals Differences in the Energy Metabolism among Members of the Methanosarcinaceae Inhabiting Freshwater and Saline Environments