Complete genome sequence of “Thioalkalivibrio sulfidophilus” HL-EbGr7
High-quality draft genome sequence of Rhizobium mesoamericanum strain STM6155, a Mimosa pudica microsymbiont from New Caledonia
Complete Genome Sequence of the Photosynthetic Purple Nonsulfur Bacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus SB 1003▿
High quality draft genome sequence of the slightly halophilic bacterium Halomonas zhanjiangensis type strain JSM 078169T (DSM 21076T) from a sea urchin in southern China
Development and Initial Characterization of a HAPPY Panel for Mapping the X. Tropicalis Genome
Complete Genome Sequence of the Chemolithoautotrophic Marine Magnetotactic Coccus Strain MC-1▿ †
Frequently Asked Questions: Project Management
Complete genome sequence of Sulfurospirillum deleyianum type strain (5175T)
Extensive gene content variation in the Brachypodium distachyon pan-genome correlates with population structure
Genome sequence of Ensifer sp. TW10; a Tephrosia wallichii (Biyani) microsymbiont native to the Indian Thar Desert
Coral mucus rapidly induces chemokinesis and genome-wide transcriptional shifts toward early pathogenesis in a bacterial coral pathogen
Complete genome sequence of Coriobacterium glomerans type strain (PW2T) from the midgut of Pyrrhocoris apterus L. (red soldier bug)