Genome to gut: crop engineering for human microbiomes
16S rRNA Gene Amplicon Sequencing Data from Flooded Rice Paddy Mesocosms Treated with Different Silicon-Rich Soil Amendments
Genome Sequence of “Pedosphaera parvula” Ellin514, an Aerobic Verrucomicrobial Isolate from Pasture Soil
A chromosome-scale genome assembly and dense genetic map for Xenopus tropicalis
Targeted Switchgrass BAC Library Screening and Sequence Analysis Identifies Predicted Biomass and Stress Response-Related Genes
Complete genome sequence of Rhodothermus marinus type strain (R-10T)
Pests, diseases, and aridity have shaped the genome of Corymbia citriodora
Complete genome sequence of Thauera aminoaromatica strain MZ1T
Genome evolution and transcriptome plasticity is associated with adaptation to monocot and dicot plants in Colletotrichum fungi.
Identification and Structural Analysis of a Novel Carboxysome Shell Protein with Implications for Metabolite Transport
A viability-linked metagenomic analysis of cleanroom environments: eukarya, prokaryotes, and viruses
Complete genome sequence of the melanogenic marine bacterium Marinomonas mediterranea type strain (MMB-1T)