High-Throughput Metagenomic Technologies for Complex Microbial Community Analysis: Open and Closed Formats
Teredinibacter haidensis sp. nov., Teredinibacter purpureus sp. nov. and Teredinibacter franksiae sp. nov., marine, cellulolytic endosymbiotic bacteria isolated from the gills of the wood-boring mollusc Bankia setacea (Bivalvia: Teredinidae) and emended
A TXTL-Based Assay to Rapidly Identify PAMs for CRISPR-Cas Systems with Multi-Protein Effector Complexes
Time-series metagenomics reveals changing protistan ecology of a temperate dimictic lake
Comparative genomics of xylose-fermenting fungi for enhanced biofuel production
Best Practices for Successfully Writing and Publishing a Genome Announcement in Microbiology Resource Announcements
Viral niche-partitioning: Comparative genomics of giant viruses across environmental gradients in a High Arctic freshwater-saltwater lake
SNP Assay Development for Linkage Map Construction, Anchoring Whole-Genome Sequence, and Other Genetic and Genomic Applications in Common Bean
Fine-scale evaluation of two standard 16S rRNA gene amplicon primer pairs for analysis of total prokaryotes and archaeal nitrifiers in differently managed soils
ShotgunFunctionalizeR: an R-package for functional comparison of metagenomes
Molecular Dialogues between Early Divergent Fungi and Bacteria in an Antagonism versus a Mutualism
The Santorini Volcanic Complex as a Valuable Source of Enzymes for Bioenergy