Long-term warming modulates diversity, vertical structuring of microbial communities, and sulfate reduction in coastal Baltic Sea sediments
The trajectory of microbial single-cell sequencing
Discovery and annotation of small proteins using genomics, proteomics, and computational approaches
Phenotypic and genomic signatures of interspecies cooperation and conflict in naturally occurring isolates of a model plant symbiont
Translating macroecological models to predict microbial establishment probability in an agricultural inoculant introduction
The Rhizosphere Responds: Rich Fen Peat and Root Microbial Ecology after Long-Term Water Table Manipulation
Marine microbial community responses related to wetland carbon mobilization in the coastal zone
Comparative Genomics of the Ectomycorrhizal Sister Species Rhizopogon vinicolor and Rhizopogon vesiculosus (Basidiomycota: Boletales) Reveals a Divergence of the Mating Type B Locus
Science Stories
Non-contiguous finished genome sequence of plant-growth promoting Serratia proteamaculans S4
Supporting community annotation and user collaboration in the integrated microbial genomes (IMG) system
A microarray for assessing transcription from pelagic marine microbial taxa