Finding New Cell Wall Regulatory Genes in Populus trichocarpa Using Multiple Lines of Evidence
Metatranscriptomic Analyses of Diel Metabolic Functions During a Microcystis Bloom in Western Lake Erie (United States)
Nonhybrid, finished microbial genome assemblies from long-read SMRT sequencing data
Cas9-Based Metabolic Engineering of Issatchenkia orientalis for Enhanced Utilization of Cellulosic Hydrolysates
Genetic and Functional Diversity Help Explain Pathogenic, Weakly Pathogenic, and Commensal Lifestyles in the Genus Xanthomonas
The mitochondrial genome of the ethanol-metabolizing, wine cellar mold Zasmidium cellare is the smallest for a filamentous ascomycete
Assemblathon 2: evaluating de novo methods of genome assembly in three vertebrate species
ALE: a generic assembly likelihood evaluation framework for assessing the accuracy of genome and metagenome assemblies
Rationale for reconsidering current regulations restricting use of hybrids in orange juice
A genomic perspective on the potential of Actinobacillus succinogenes for industrial succinate production
The Fast Changing Landscape of Sequencing Technologies and Their Impact on Microbial Genome Assemblies and Annotation
The first 10 years of the international coordination network for standards in systems and synthetic biology (COMBINE)