Complete genome sequence of Polynucleobacter necessariussubsp. asymbioticus type strain (QLW-P1DMWA-1T)
Genome analysis and description of Tunturibacter gen. nov. expands the diversity of Terriglobia in tundra soils
Genome sequence of the button mushroom Agaricus bisporus reveals mechanisms governing adaptation to a humic-rich ecological niche
Complete genome sequence of Serratia plymuthica strain AS12
Complete genome sequence of Staphylothermus marinus Stetter and Fiala 1986 type strain F1
Complete Genome of the Cellulolytic Ruminal Bacterium Ruminococcus albus 7
Genome Sequence of Marinobacter sp. Strain MCTG268 Isolated from the Cosmopolitan Marine Diatom Skeletonema costatum
The genome and variation of Bacillus anthracis
Exploiting proteomic data for genome annotation and gene model validation in Aspergillus niger
Complete genome sequence of Tsukamurella paurometabola type strain (no. 33T)
Complete genome sequence of Pedobacter heparinus type strain (HIM 762-3T)
High-Quality Draft Nuclear and Mitochondrial Genome Sequence of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. albedinis strain 9, the Causal Agent of Bayoud Disease on Date Palm.