Complete genome sequence of the filamentous anoxygenic phototrophic bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus
Genome Sequences of Two Carbapenemase-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae ST258 Isolates
Complete genome sequence of Veillonella parvula type strain (Te3T)
Genome Sequence of Halomonas sp. Strain MCTG39a, a Hydrocarbon-Degrading and Exopolymeric Substance-Producing Bacterium
The genome and variation of Bacillus anthracis
Genomes of ubiquitous marine and hypersaline Hydrogenovibrio, Thiomicrorhabdus and Thiomicrospira spp. encode a diversity of mechanisms to sustain chemolithoautotrophy in heterogeneous environments
The Complete Genome Sequence of Thermoproteus tenax: A Physiologically Versatile Member of the Crenarchaeota
Comparative genome sequence analysis underscores mycoparasitism as the ancestral life style of Trichoderma
Genome sequence of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv trifolii strain WSM1689, the microsymbiont of the one flowered clover Trifolium uniflorum
Draft Genome Sequences of Five New Strains of Methylophilaceae Isolated from Lake Washington Sediment
Viral dark matter and virus–host interactions resolved from publicly available microbial genomes
Draft genome sequences of strains CBS6241 and CBS6242 of the basidiomycetous yeast Filobasidium floriforme