Improved High-Quality Draft Genome Sequence of the Eurypsychrophile Rhodotorula sp. JG1b, Isolated from Permafrost in the Hyperarid Upper-Elevation McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
Microbiome composition modulates secondary metabolism in a multispecies bacterial community
Biochemical characterization of Fsa16295Glu from “Fervidibacter sacchari,” the first hyperthermophilic GH50 with β-1,3-endoglucanase activity and founding member of the subfamily GH50_3
Assembly of Robust Bacterial Microcompartment Shells Using Building Blocks from an Organelle of Unknown Function
Hymenobacter caeli sp. nov., an airborne bacterium isolated from King George Island, Antarctica.
Biocorrosive Thermophilic Microbial Communities in Alaskan North Slope Oil Facilities
Novel reductive dehalogenases from the marine sponge associated bacterium Desulfoluna spongiiphila
Draft Genomes of Two Strains of Flavobacterium Isolated from Lake Washington Sediment
Community structure explains antibiotic resistance gene dynamics over a temperature gradient in soil
Discovery of Novel Plant Interaction Determinants from the Genomes of 163 Root Nodule Bacteria
Genome Sequence of Thermotoga sp. Strain RQ2, a Hyperthermophilic Bacterium Isolated from a Geothermally Heated Region of the Seafloor near Ribeira Quente, the Azores
Metagenomic insights into evolution of a heavy metal-contaminated groundwater microbial community