Complete genome sequence of Streptobacillus moniliformis type strain (9901T)
Genome sequencing and analysis of the biomass-degrading fungus Trichoderma reesei (syn. Hypocrea jecorina)
Complete genome sequence of Thioalkalivibrio paradoxus type strain ARh 1T, an obligately chemolithoautotrophic haloalkaliphilic sulfur-oxidizing bacterium isolated from a Kenyan soda lake
Whole-Genome rVISTA: a tool to determine enrichment of transcription factor binding sites in gene promoters from transcriptomic data
Bacterial Genome Annotation
Genome sequence of Shimia str. SK013, a representative of the Roseobacter group isolated from marine sediment
Complete Genome Sequence of Micromonospora Strain L5, a Potential Plant-Growth-Regulating Actinomycete, Originally Isolated from Casuarina equisetifolia Root Nodules
Genome sequence of the moderately thermophilic halophile Flexistipes sinusarabici strain (MAS10T)
Evolution of an Expanded Sex-Determining Locus in Volvox
Draft genome sequence of Halomonas lutea strain YIM 91125T (DSM 23508T) isolated from the alkaline Lake Ebinur in Northwest China
Extensive Reorganization of the Plastid Genome of Trifolium subterraneum (Fabaceae) Is Associated with Numerous Repeated Sequences and Novel DNA Insertions
Genome Sequence of Oceanicola sp. Strain MCTG156(1a), Isolated from a Scottish Coastal Phytoplankton Net Sample