A compendium of multi-omic sequence information from the Saanich Inlet water column
IMG/M v.5.0: an integrated data management and comparative analysis system for microbial genomes and microbiomes
Gene and transcript abundances of bacterial type III secretion systems from the rumen microbiome are correlated with methane yield in sheep
Draft Genome Sequence of Bordetella sp. Strain FB-8, Isolated from a Former Uranium Mining Area in Germany
IMG-ABC: new features for bacterial secondary metabolism analysis and targeted biosynthetic gene cluster discovery in thousands of microbial genomes
Genomic Comparison of Two Family-Level Groups of the Uncultivated NAG1 Archaeal Lineage from Chemically and Geographically Disparate Hot Springs
Genome sequence and emended description of Leisingera nanhaiensis strain DSM 24252T isolated from marine sediment
BIGMAC : breaking inaccurate genomes and merging assembled contigs for long read metagenomic assembly
Microbial life under ice: Metagenome diversity and in situ activity of Verrucomicrobia in seasonally ice‐covered Lakes
High-Quality Draft Genome Sequence of Desulfovibrio carbinoliphilus FW-101-2B, an Organic Acid-Oxidizing Sulfate-Reducing Bacterium Isolated from Uranium(VI)-Contaminated Groundwater
Draft Genome Sequence of Yokenella regensburgei Strain WCD67, Isolated from the Boxelder Bug
The diatom Fragilariopsis cylindrus: A model alga to understand cold‐adapted life