Single-cell genomics reveals complex carbohydrate degradation patterns in poribacterial symbionts of marine sponges
Microbial Community Structure and Functional Potential in Cultivated and Native Tallgrass Prairie Soils of the Midwestern United States
Phytozome: a comparative platform for green plant genomics
Evolutionary Divergence of Marinobacter Strains in Cryopeg Brines as Revealed by Pangenomics
Microbial co-habitation and lateral gene transfer: what transposases can tell us
Genome sequence of Phaeobacter inhibens type strain (T5T), a secondary metabolite producing representative of the marine Roseobacter clade, and emendation of the species description of Phaeobacter inhibens
Microbial community transcriptomes reveal microbes and metabolic pathways associated with dissolved organic matter turnover in the sea
Soil exchange rates of COS and CO18O differ with the diversity of microbial communities and their carbonic anhydrase enzymes
Comparative Genomics Analysis of Trichoderma reesei Strains
SPRUCE-ing Up Science
An Inside Look at How Plants and Mycorrhizal Fungi Cooperate
Prokaryote Program User Advisory Committee