Deciphering the evolution of flavin-dependent monooxygenase stereoselectivity using ancestral sequence reconstruction
Genome Sequence of Porticoccus hydrocarbonoclasticus Strain MCTG13d, an Obligate Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon-Degrading Bacterium Associated with Marine Eukaryotic Phytoplankton
You Can Move, But You Can’t Hide
Here, There and Everywhere: Large and Giant Viruses Abound Globally
Fishing for Novel Cellulose Degraders
Giant Bacteria Found in Guadeloupe Mangroves Challenge Traditional Concepts
JGI Accepts 17 Proposals for Community Science Program
Genome Insider
Plotting a Model for Virus-Host Warfare Deep Below Ground
JGI@25: Tracking & Subduing the Plague of California’s Oak Woodlands
Making a Lichen Together
Finding the Fermenters