Compendium of Metabolomic and Genomic Datasets for Cyanobacteria: Mined the Gap
A combinatorial approach to synthetic transcription factor‐promoter combinations for yeast strain engineering
Analysis of Ten Brucella Genomes Reveals Evidence for Horizontal Gene Transfer Despite a Preferred Intracellular Lifestyle▿ §
Sparse panicle1 is required for inflorescence development in Setaria viridis and maize
A synthetic pathway for the fixation of carbon dioxide in vitro
Crystal structure of the FRP and identification of the active site for modulation of OCP-mediated photoprotection in cyanobacteria
Impacts of Maize Domestication and Breeding on Rhizosphere Microbial Community Recruitment from a Nutrient Depleted Agricultural Soil
Extensive sampling of basidiomycete genomes demonstrates inadequacy of the white-rot/brown-rot paradigm for wood decay fungi
Microbial communities and biogeochemical functioning across peatlands in the Athabasca Oil Sands region of Canada: Implications for reclamation and management
BIGMAC : breaking inaccurate genomes and merging assembled contigs for long read metagenomic assembly
Metagenomic and Metatranscriptomic Analyses Reveal the Structure and Dynamics of a Dechlorinating Community Containing Dehalococcoides mccartyi and Corrinoid-Providing Microorganisms under Cobalamin-Limited Conditions
Genome‐wide associations with flowering time in switchgrass using exome‐capture sequencing data