Improved genome annotation for Zymomonas mobilis
Metagenomic Discovery of Biomass-Degrading Genes and Genomes from Cow Rumen
BioPig: a Hadoop-based analytic toolkit for large-scale sequence data
Defining the core Arabidopsis thaliana root microbiome
Development of a thermophilic coculture for corn fiber conversion to ethanol
Bioavailable iron titrations reveal oceanic Synechococcus ecotypes optimized for different iron availabilities
BIGMAC : breaking inaccurate genomes and merging assembled contigs for long read metagenomic assembly
IMG/M: a data management and analysis system for metagenomes
iPHoP: An integrated machine learning framework to maximize host prediction for metagenome-derived viruses of archaea and bacteria
The ancient Salicoid genome duplication event: A platform for reconstruction of de Novo gene evolution in Populus trichocarpa
Quantitative trait loci for cell wall composition traits measured using near-infrared spectroscopy in the model C4 perennial grass Panicum hallii
Soybean (Glycine max) Haplotype Map (GmHapMap): a universal resource for soybean translational and functional genomics