The Chlamydomonas Genome Project, version 6: reference assemblies for mating type plus and minus strains reveal extensive structural mutation in the laboratory.
Genome Sequence of the 1,4-Dioxane-Degrading Pseudonocardia dioxanivoransStrain CB1190
One Complete and Seven Draft Genome Sequences of Subdivision 1 and 3 Acidobacteria Isolated from Soil
Genome Sequence of the Dioxin-Mineralizing Bacterium Sphingomonas wittichii RW1 ▿
Genome sequence of Bradyrhizobium sp. WSM1253; a microsymbiont of Ornithopus compressus from the Greek Island of Sifnos
Genome Sequence of the Arctic Methanotroph Methylobacter tundripaludum SV96
The Genome of Polaromonas sp. Strain JS666: Insights into the Evolution of a Hydrocarbon- and Xenobiotic-Degrading Bacterium, and Features of Relevance to Biotechnology▿ †
Draft genome sequence of the Tremellomycetes yeast Papiliotrema laurentii 5307AH, isolated from aircraft
Complete Genome Sequences of Desulfosporosinus orientis DSM765T, Desulfosporosinus youngiae DSM17734T, Desulfosporosinus meridiei DSM13257T, and Desulfosporosinus acidiphilus DSM22704T
High quality draft genome sequence of Brachymonas chironomi AIMA4T (DSM 19884T) isolated from a Chironomus sp. egg mass
Draft Genome Sequence of Coniochaeta ligniaria NRRL 30616, a Lignocellulolytic Fungus for Bioabatement of Inhibitors in Plant Biomass Hydrolysates
The high-quality draft genome of peach (Prunus persica) identifies unique patterns of genetic diversity, domestication and genome evolution