Near-Complete Genome Sequence of Zygosaccharomyces rouxii NRRL Y-64007, a Yeast Capable of Growing on Lignocellulosic Hydrolysates
Analysis of Brachypodium genomes with genome-wide optical maps
High quality draft genome of Nakamurella lactea type strain, a rock actinobacterium, and emended description of Nakamurella lactea
Genome-guided isolation of the hyperthermophilic aerobe Fervidibacter sacchari reveals conserved polysaccharide metabolism in the Armatimonadota
Group II Introns Break New Boundaries: Presence in a Bilaterian's Genome
Genome sequence of Ensifer arboris strain LMG 14919T; a microsymbiont of the legume Prosopis chilensis growing in Kosti, Sudan
Resequencing and annotation of the Nostoc punctiforme ATTC 29133 genome: facilitating biofuel and high-value chemical production
At the nexus of three kingdoms: the genome of the mycorrhizal fungus Gigaspora margarita provides insights into plant, endobacterial and fungal interactions
High Density Genetic Maps of Seashore Paspalum Using Genotyping-By-Sequencing and Their Relationship to The Sorghum Bicolor Genome
Complete genome sequence of Olsenella uli type strain (VPI D76D-27CT)
IMG ER: a system for microbial genome annotation expert review and curation
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