Complete genome sequence of Cryptobacterium curtum type strain (12-3T)
The complete mitochondrial genome of the conifer needle endophyte, Phialocephala scopiformis DAOMC 229536 confirms evolutionary division within the fungal Phialocephala fortinii s.l. – Acephala appalanata species complex
Genome to gut: crop engineering for human microbiomes
Complete genome sequence of the rapeseed plant-growth promoting Serratia plymuthica strain AS9
Draft Genome Sequence of the White-Rot Fungus Obba rivulosa 3A-2
Complete Genome Sequence of Francisella philomiragia ATCC 25017
Complete genome sequence of the haloalkaliphilic, obligately chemolithoautotrophic thiosulfate and sulfide-oxidizing γ-proteobacterium Thioalkalimicrobium cyclicum type strain ALM 1 (DSM 14477T)
Complete genome sequence of Acidimicrobium ferrooxidans type strain (ICPT)
Genome expansion by allopolyploidization in the fungal strain Coniochaeta 2T2.1 and its exceptional lignocellulolytic machinery
Complete genome sequence of Brachybacterium faecium type strain (Schefferle 6–10T)
Genome sequence of the model rice variety KitaakeX
Halophytes and heavy metals: A multi‐omics approach to understand the role of gene and genome duplication in the abiotic stress tolerance of Cakile maritima