NMPFamsDB: a database of novel protein families from microbial metagenomes and metatranscriptomes
Metagenomics uncovers gaps in amplicon-based detection of microbial diversity
The GC-Rich Mitochondrial and Plastid Genomes of the Green Alga Coccomyxa Give Insight into the Evolution of Organelle DNA Nucleotide Landscape
Ecological and genomic analyses of candidate phylum WPS‐2 bacteria in an unvegetated soil
Metagenomic Profiling Reveals Lignocellulose Degrading System in a Microbial Community Associated with a Wood-Feeding Beetle
Genomic Signatures for Sedimentary Microbial Utilization of Phytoplankton Detritus in a Fast-Flowing Estuary
Conservative taxonomy and quality assessment of giant virus genomes with GVClass
EcoFABs: advancing microbiome science through standardized fabricated ecosystems
A unified catalog of 204,938 reference genomes from the human gut microbiome
Direct Comparisons of Illumina vs. Roche 454 Sequencing Technologies on the Same Microbial Community DNA Sample
Mesophilic and Thermophilic Conditions Select for Unique but Highly Parallel Microbial Communities to Perform Carboxylate Platform Biomass Conversion
MycoCosm portal: gearing up for 1000 fungal genomes