Stress responses in an Arctic microalga (Pelagophyceae) following sudden salinity change revealed by gene expression analysis
CRAGE enables rapid activation of biosynthetic gene clusters in undomesticated bacteria
Impact of library preparation protocols and template quantity on the metagenomic reconstruction of a mock microbial community
Metagenomic Sequencing of Two Salton Sea Microbiomes
A sorghum genome-wide association study (GWAS) identifies a WRKY transcription factor as a candidate gene underlying sugarcane aphid (Melanaphis sacchari) resistance
Phenotype to genotype in Neurospora crassa: Association of the scumbo phenotype with mutations in the gene encoding ceramide C9-methyltransferase
Functional Gene Losses Occur with Minimal Size Reduction in the Plastid Genome of the Parasitic Liverwort Aneura mirabilis
The ancient Salicoid genome duplication event: A platform for reconstruction of de Novo gene evolution in Populus trichocarpa
Identification, Heterologous Expression, and Characterization of the Tolypodiol Biosynthetic Gene Cluster through an Integrated Approach
Fungal and plant gene expression in the Tulasnella calospora–Serapias vomeracea symbiosis provides clues about nitrogen pathways in orchid mycorrhizas
Single-cell and metagenomic analyses indicate a fermentative and saccharolytic lifestyle for members of the OP9 lineage
Elucidating Bacterial Gene Functions in the Plant Microbiome