Large-scale replicated field study of maize rhizosphere identifies heritable microbes
Chloroflexi CL500-11 Populations That Predominate Deep-Lake Hypolimnion Bacterioplankton Rely on Nitrogen-Rich Dissolved Organic Matter Metabolism and C1 Compound Oxidation
Reclassification of a Polynucleobacter cosmopolitanus strain isolated from tropical Lake Victoria as Polynucleobacter victoriensis sp. nov.
Identification and characterization of a skin microbiome on Caenorhabditis elegans suggests environmental microbes confer cuticle protection
Metatranscriptomic analysis reveals dissimilarity in viral community activity between an ice-free and ice-covered winter in Lake Erie.
Exploring the roles of microbes in facilitating plant adaptation to climate change
Natural soil microbes alter flowering phenology and the intensity of selection on flowering time in a wild Arabidopsis relative
A metagenomics roadmap to the uncultured genome diversity in hypersaline soda lake sediments
Paenibacillus aquistagni sp. nov., isolated from an artificial lake accumulating industrial wastewater
Seasonal Succession Leads to Habitat-Dependent Differentiation in Ribosomal RNA:DNA Ratios among Freshwater Lake Bacteria
Gone with a trace: cataloguing the disappearing gut microbes
Metagenome-assembled bacterial genomes from benthic microbial mats in ice-covered Lake Vanda, Antarctica