Gene Expression: From On-Off Switch to Dial
JGI@25: Mapping Switchgrass Traits with Common Gardens
Introducing New Members of the JGI User Executive Committee
Characterizing Communities: JGI Announces Latest CSP Portfolio
Dealing with Drought: Uncovering Sorghum’s Secrets
Evolution of a Fungal Gene Expression Regulator
Making a Lichen Together
Jane Grimwood Named HudsonAlpha Genomics Chair
Engagement Webinar: What Can You Do With An Approved CSP Functional Genomics Call Proposal?
JGI@25: Studying Sorghum’s Survival Skills
JGI@25: Cow Rumen and the Early Days of Metagenomics
JGI@25 RECAP: 2022 Annual Meeting features historical perspectives on JGI’s 25 years